Church Auxiliaries
Sunday School
The Providence Sunday School leads the Christian education ministries of the church. Each Sunday morning, immediately after the 8:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service, members convene in age appropriate classes to study a set curriculum design to deepen one’s understanding of God’s will.
The Providence Brotherhood Auxiliary focuses on developing men in their walk with God. Instruction is provided that shares God’s expectations for men in worship and their leadership position in their homes. This ministry also assists the Pastor and Deacons Ministry in maintaining the general welfare of the church.
Mission Auxiliaries
The Providence Mission Auxiliaries include Senior Mission 1 and Mission 2. These auxiliaries meet weekly to study and seek God’s guidance on issues related to women and their witness for the kingdom of God. Church outreach efforts to women and the bereaved are coordinated in this area of our church. We seek to equip ourselves to serve those women among us seeking a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Bible Band
The Providence Bible Band devotes its ministry efforts to the reading and study of the Holy Bible as the infallible Word of God. We hold that the Holy Bible is divine in origin and necessary for acceptable worship. We assemble to understanding God’s Word through active reading and prayer with a deep desire to seek ways to make the Word available to the least, lost and often left out.
Youth Auxiliaries
The Providence Youth Auxiliary reaches youth and teens within our church and community with a desire to lay a foundation for Christian living and witness well into adult life. The Church Youth Auxiliary cuts across several church ministries, affording youth the opportunity to be involved in Sunday School, mission and outreach, music ministry and church hospitality as well as a church usher. Church youth are exposed to development and travel activities away from the church campus that challenges their goals and prepares them for life as a Christian adult.
Ushers Auxiliary
The Providence Ushers Auxiliary leads the hospitality ministry of the church. Church ushers greet members and guests, and make sure all attending a Providence Church service are comfortable and have access to the tools needed during worship. This auxiliary assists the Pastor and church leadership in making sure that the church campus is safe and ready to accommodate the varying needs of various church services.
Music Ministry
The Providence Music Ministry leads the church in worship through song. Members worship through singing for regular and scheduled services in the form of church choirs, praise teams, and individual soloists. The desire is to help in preparing hearts of those in worship to receive God’s Word.